
You might include an alert on one of your pages to highlight a schedule change, notify visitors of a service outage or bring special attention to important procedural information. All alerts have been styled to comply with the NC State color palette and to meet color contrast accessibility guidelines.

To add an alert to your page:


  1. Make sure you have installed the NC State Shortcodes and Shortcake (Shortcode UI) plugins on your site.
  2. Follow the steps to add a shortcode to your page. Select Alert from the options panel.
    Select “Alert”
  3. Enter your Alert message in the Alert Body window and select the desired Alert Type. See below for examples of the different types of alerts. If you would like for users to be able to dismiss this alert, select the Dismissable? option.
    Customize your alert
  4. Click the Insert Element button in the bottom right corner of the window.
    Insert Element

Types of alerts


Sample use case